Question : Error 1004 Unable to get the Show property of the Dialog class when using the command xlApp.Dialogs(189).Show(rs<wbr />!Email, "Subject")
With the help of an expert I found the following code that works well on my machine, and many others, in sending an e-mail with a password protected Excel spreadsheet attached. Unfortunately one of the machines using the code has come up with "Error 1004 Unable to get the Show property of the Dialog class". Can anyone help me figure out why this is happening. The machine has Outlook Express set up and running. The only way I could get the code to fall over on my machine is by setting OE up so that it doesn't work.
Set xlbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(sFile
xlbook.Password = "PassWord"
bResult = xlApp.Dialogs(189).Show(rs
!Email, "Subject")
Answer : Error 1004 Unable to get the Show property of the Dialog class when using the command xlApp.Dialogs(189).Show(rs<wbr />!Email, "Subject")
If you suspect some sort of corruption I would maybe do a system restore (if XP) to a point before the troubles. Otherwise, is a re-install of Access out of the question?
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