Question : How do I remove 'group on' in VB code for Access 2007 report?
I have 3 Access 2007 reports that I am combining into 1 report: The combined report has the following group/sort by structure :
sort by A
group on B
group on C
sort by D
If certains conditions exist, I want to remove the group on C and leave the remaining:
sort by A
group on B
sort by D
I am attempting to do this in VB.
.Visible = False
.Visible = False
urce = "" -- this gives an error
How can I remove a Group By in VB?
Answer : How do I remove 'group on' in VB code for Access 2007 report?
I don't think you can change controlsource property "on-the-fly", while the report is running...
Please post the report if possible..
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