Question : select only uppercase words from a table column
How does one do that? And how about for lowercase? Thanks MJ
Answer : select only uppercase words from a table column
Does the table column/field in question contain just one word or does each field contain mutiple words?
If it is simply the case that the whole field is to checked then cut paste the following function into a module.
Function StringCaseCompare(MyString As String) As String
If StrComp(MyString, UCase(MyString), 0) = 0 Then StringCaseCompare = "UPPER" ElseIf StrComp(MyString, LCase(MyString), 0) = 0 Then StringCaseCompare = "LOWER" Else StringCaseCompare = "MIXED" End If
End Function
then create a query along the lines of ...
SELECT MyTable.MyField FROM MyTable WHERE StringCaseCompare([MyField])="UPPER"
to retrieve the Upper case fields.
Regards, David