Question : dbSeeChanges error on SQL DELETE
I get a "Must use dbSeeChanges" error when executing a DELETE statement. But when I insert dbSeeChanges as an option, I get: "Expected =".
Setup: I am using Access as a front end to a SQL Server Database (linked tables).
Please help, thanks.
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() Dim intID As Integer If Me.txtModuleID > 0 Then Set db = CurrentDb intID = Me.txtModuleID If (MsgBox("Delete this module and references to all lessons?",vbYesNo,"Warning") = vbYes)Then db.Execute ("DELETE FROM Module WHERE ModuleID = " & intID) db.Execute ("DELETE FROM ModuleLesson WHERE ModuleID = " & intID) db.Execute ("DELETE FROM CourseModule WHERE ModuleID = " & intID)
Form.Requery End If End If
End Sub
Answer : dbSeeChanges error on SQL DELETE
Try taking the parens out of the syntax. None of the examples in Access help use them, and they might be modifying the action of the Execute method.
Then post what happens back here, if you would.