Question : How to check open ports in remote computers?


I need to know how to check open ports in remote computers without using any freewares. OS is windows server 2003.

Thanks in Advance,

Answer : How to check open ports in remote computers?

Finding out what Ports are open

To find out what ports are open/exposed do the following
Start >Run >type "cmd" {enter}
At the command line type "netstat -a" {enter}
The list displayed shows "Listening ports" and established "Who is on the other end" connections to your computer.

WARNING: This is a list of common Trojan/Backdoor Port numbers

Who is listening? Use this syntax: netstat -an |find /i "listening"
Save who is listening to a text file: netstat -an |find /i "listening" > c:\openports.txt
Who is established? Use this syntax: netstat -an |find /i "established"

Note: In Windows XP, you can type NETSTAT -O to get a list of all the owning process ID associated with each connection: netstat -ao |find /i "listening"


You can use PULIST from the W2K Resource Kit to find the PID and see what process uses it and who started it. For example, you found out that your computer had an open connection to a remote IP address on TCP port 80, and you don't have any Internet Explorer or other browser windows open. You want to find out what process is using that session.


Port Assignments for Commonly-Used Services
TCP/UDP Ports Used By Exchange 2000 Server;en-us;278339
Nice shiny Port List :0)

*****Portscan Software*****

Run Fport from Foundstone:
It will tell you what .EXE has the ports open. You can take appropriate actions

Monitor what port is doing what with Active Ports.

Scan Yourself (Free)

Scan your Ports with Port Detective: lets you scan your PC ports to see which are open, in use, or blocked

Scan Remote Computers (Free)

Advanced port scanner is a small, fast, robust and easy-to use port scanner for Win32 platform. (You can use it for FREE).

Angry IP scanner is a very fast IP scanner for Windows. It can scan IPs in any range.
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