Question : aspx vnbet dropdownlist client script


My application is in Ms Visual Studio 2005 / aspx  / vbnet. Internet Explorer Version 6.0.

I have 4 dropdownlist.
     a) dropdown_Company
     b) dropdown_Division
     c) dropdown_Department
     d) dropdown_Manager

i want  
a) data for  "dropdown_Division" to be populated based on "dropdown_Company".
b) data for  "dropdown_Department" to be populated based on "dropdown_Division".
c) data for  "dropdown_Manager" to be populated based on "dropdown_Department".

i want to do this without having post back to server. I want to do in client side. it is something possiable?

please let me know with some sample code. thanks.

Answer : aspx vnbet dropdownlist client script

Ji aka_calvin,

Refer the following link: Accessing database from the javascript through webservice.
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