Question : Error in Virtual PC 2007 when trying to startup an XP machine

I've installed Virtual PC 2007 on a Vista Business PC. I installed XP Professional as a virtual PC on Virtual PC. A couple of days ago Virtual PC listed the following error when I tried to start my virtual XP machine: "The Startup Disk could not be written to. You may not have sufficient privileges to write to the disk. The virtual hard disk has been mounted read-only. Most operating systems cannot boot with a read-only startup disk." This machine started and worked fine for 2 months before receiving this error. The only configuration change on my Vista machine was installing Nero 7 Ultra. I cannot find anything on the Internet relating to this problem. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Answer : Error in Virtual PC 2007 when trying to startup an XP machine

Can you find your .vhd file (the virtual pc image of XP as a virtual OS) and check whether one of its file attributes is read-only?  (You may have to right click on the column names row (when you are browsing the folder containing the file in Details view) and then turn on Attributes by putting a  check mark next to it.)  If one of these attributes is "R", then it is is read-only mode.  You can then right click on the .vhd file, select Properties, and remove the check mark next to read-only.
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