Question : How to import contact list from outlook expres into Outlook 2003


I am trying to migrate to Outlook 2003 and all is ok except most of the contacts are not coming through. in OE the conacts are stored in folders. Outlook 2003 only imports the first folder and nothing else. Also tried to export from OE to comma separeted values but it does the same thing.

Hope it makes sense.


Answer : How to import contact list from outlook expres into Outlook 2003

I wasn't able to find a way to get the OE address book to export all folders when I wanted to switch. However, I can offer a couple of alternatives; you'll have to decide which works better for you:

1) Copy (or move) the contacts from the individual folders to the main folder for the identity, and then export to comma-delimited.
2) Open both Outlook and the OE Address Book, and drag the contacts from the OE Address Book to Outlook's Contacts folder. (You can select all contacts in a folder and drag them all at once.) The annoying thing about this is that Outlook creates a new entry window for each new contact, so you could easily get hundreds or thousands of windows created, each of which has to be closed with Alt+F4 or clicking on the Close button. (Or they'll all disappear if you close Outlook itself.)
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