Question : Menu accelerators not working


Should be a simple one I hope - Another UI funny I'm seeing - for some reason my menu accelerators aren't working properly.  When I press 'alt' the underscores are shown under the relevant letter (e.g. 'F' in File) on the menu bar, but if I then press F while alt is still pressed nothing happens.  However, if I press ALT, release it (which leaves the underscores beneath the menu headers), then press the relevant letter the menu pops down.

Any ideas? Not seen this one before - I am not digesting the key combination anywhere (e.g. pretranslatemsg in CMainForm) so I'm at a bit of a loss, is this an SDK bug?


Answer : Menu accelerators not working

Alas, I have no new ideas.  The "it worked just that one time" issue is almost certainly related to doing/not doing a full clean and rebuild.  It's the only possible cause (once we rule out fairies and gremlins, etc. :-)

I do believe that you are down to starting a new project and adding old-project code piece-by-piece until you see the problem behavior.

-- Dan

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