Question : Convert a DataReader to a DataSet

I am using VS 2003, .net 1.1.  The code below works fine, but I can't page the query results with a datareader.   I have tried to use a dataAdapter and dataset but can't get it work.  Is there a way of converting the datareader to a dataset.  Any help would be appreciated
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        TextBox1.Text = ClaimNo
        ReinsConn = New OdbcConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString"))
        reinsclientcode = "0"
         Dim polsql As String = "Select claims.code, claims.policy from claims where claims.code=""" & ClaimNo & """"
        Dim polcmd As New OdbcCommand(polsql, ReinsConn)
        Dim polReader As OdbcDataReader = polcmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
        If polReader.HasRows Then
              While polReader.Read()
                policy = Trim(polReader.Item(1)).ToString()
            End While
         End If

        Dim reinssql As String = "SELECT claims.code, claims.policy," & _
           " premsht.policy as mypolicy, premsht.ref_no as ref_no," & _
           " premaloc.reinsure as reins, reinsure.desc as reinsdesc," & _
           " reinsure.country1 as reinscountry1 from claims" & _
           " left join premsht on claims.policy=premsht.policy" & _
          " left join premaloc on premsht.ref_no=premaloc.ref_no" & _
          " left join reinsure on premaloc.reinsure=reinsure.code" & _
          " where premsht.policy + str(sheet_no, 4)" & _
          " between padr(""" & Trim(policy) & """, 19) and" & _
          " padr(""" & Trim(policy) & """, 15) +  ""9999"" and" & _
          " claims.code = """ & ClaimNo & """ And " & _
          " premaloc.reinsure<>"""" and FSQ=""F"" GROUP BY reins"

        Dim reinscmd As New OdbcCommand(reinssql, ReinsConn)
        Dim reinsReader As OdbcDataReader = reinscmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
        If reinsReader.HasRows Then
            DataGrid1.DataSource = reinsReader

             Response.Redirect("http://localhost/NETTestDocs/Claims/DestQuerystringJune1907.aspx?ClaimNo=" & ClaimNo & " &ClientCode=0" & " &ClientType=Reinsure" & " &ReinsClientCode=0")
        End If

     End Sub

Answer : Convert a DataReader to a DataSet

Try something like this:

Dim table As New DataTable()

If that doesn't work, then use an OdbcDataAdapter, and fill a DataTable.

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