Question : Win7/ VS 2010 / SQL 2008 Express OK for dev platform

I need to re-develop a VB6 app into something modern.  

I haven't coded in years.

I installed the Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 on my Windows 7 VM, but had problems connecting to the SQL 2008 Express which comes with the VS 2010.

I installed Sql Server Management Studio 2008 but when I went to install it on Windows 7, it complained.

This leaves me wondering if I might be better developing on Visual Studio 2008, SQL express 2008 on XP.

In other words: am I too too bleeding edge for my own good, especially since I don't' have a good modern skill set.

Whatta u think?


Answer : Win7/ VS 2010 / SQL 2008 Express OK for dev platform

Oh, I get it. It doesn't care for (local). You must call your database by name, in this case, use .\SQLExpress. Worked for me!
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