Question : Handle to the Listview in Open/Save Dialog
I am looking to find the handle for the Listview in the Open/Save Dialog. I am using the API call to SysListView32, but that returns nothing. The code that I currently have looks as follows:
ShDefViewHandle = FindWindowEx(parentHandle,
0, "SHELLDLL_DefView", "")
ListViewHandle = FindWindowEx(ShDefViewHand
le, 0, "SysListView32", "")
In this code ShDefViewHandle should give the handle to the parent of the ListView. The function for the ShDegViewHandle executes properly as it returns a handle, however I am unable to obtain the ListViewHandle as that function showhow returns 0.
Currently I am at a loss as why this function returns 0 instead of the handle that I would expect.
Answer : Handle to the Listview in Open/Save Dialog
Seems you managed to achieve that. Sorry that I didn't help. Good luck! : )
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