Question : Need to Capture LPT1, FROM MULTIPLE PRINT JOBS, and save them all in one file

I am trying to capture multiple print jobs that are sent to LPT1, and have the data saved into ONE text file.
I have found several programs out there that capture LPT1, but they put each job into a different file.   I have also found programs that combine multiple text files, but that is one extra step I'm trying to avoid for the user.

Thanks in advance

Answer : Need to Capture LPT1, FROM MULTIPLE PRINT JOBS, and save them all in one file

Hi TechGuise

Have a look at these couple of solutions......
It is free for client os.
It can be configured to print jobs to more than one printer. For each
printer many options can be set. One of it is to save/append the output
to a file with a dynamic file name (printer, user, date, ... specific).
Another option is to execute a program on the output file, which can be
used to create PDF files automatically with Ghostscript (parallel to the
printing to the physical printer).
Sorry, the manual is still only in german language, but a detailed
example configuration file is saved to the installation folder.

PRN2FILE  Redirects print jobs to a single disk file or separate files.

* * * *

[updated 2005-05-21]

A few programs on these pages support printing, but have no "save to file" option. PRN2FILE is a TSR that provides a means of redirecting print jobs to file(s).

    Usage (v1.1): PRN2FILE d:path:filename.ext [/Pn] [/Bn] [/U]
    Run PRN2FILE with the desired filename to activate it.
    Run it again with no filename to turn off redirection.
    Run it with a different filename to change destination file.
    /P to designate the printer number (defaults to 1)
    /B to enter buffer size in K bytes (defaults to 4)
    /F to print just to file and not to printer (default is both)
    /A to append to file (default is to create new file)
    /U to uninstall the program

Versions: This util has gone through 3-4 revisions by different authors. PC Magazine's original v1.0 (1987), by Tom Kihlken, is still around. The latest, and recommended, v1.1 (1992) by John Durso, adds reminder beeps to indicate that prn2file is working (note that the docs omit discussion of some switches  the listing above is from the included source code). V1.1 is derived from two prior independent revisions, by Mel Brown (1989) and Russell Cummings (1991).
      Includes ASM & BAS source
      Includes ASM source

Hope this helps,

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