Question : Access vba split address field into 4 columns

I have an access table that has an address field which I need to parse into 4 columns.  I would like to use the split() function and store the first three words in the first 3 columns and the rest of the address in the 4rth column.
I'm having trouble as I'm used to doing mostly vba in Excel...  Access is a different animal. :-)
.... eventually this step will be used after a button clicks a button on an Access form that will parse the Address Field creating a new table or adjusting the existing one and then outputing the parsed table into an Excel sheet.  Does anyone know how to do this?  

Answer : Access vba split address field into 4 columns

insert into table (Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, City, State, Description)
select splitNGet(content,' ', 1) as Name, splitNGet(content,' ', 2) Address1...
from secondTable

alter table drop column content

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