Question : Avoid LINK : warning LNK4089
Call me anal, but I'd like my builds to end up with a nice clean summary like:
UltraL33twOOtWoot.Exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Instead I get three of these.
LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "GDI32.dll" discarded by /OPT:REF
I already tried adding /WARN:0 and (for fun), WARN:1, WARN:2, WARN:3, and WARN:4
I presume that it is also possible to hunt-down and remove whatever has set /OPT:REF on and turn it off (or alternately make a dummy call into GDI32.dll LOL), but it seems like a good idea to remove such corpulance from my release EXE.
=--=-=-=-==-=- So, how do I get rid of that warning message and produce a truly clean build?
MS VC++ 6.0 Sp2
Answer : Avoid LINK : warning LNK4089
Then Add /IGNORE:4089 switch to the linker command line from the Project->Settings dialog