Question : Creating a Pivot in Access

I am trying to create a query that will take  the following Source Table input and       produced the output shown in the Desired Output.  I can pivot the FY field so that the dates appear as headers, but thats about it.  Thanks             
ID      CaseType                   FY      Yield      TPI      Operating Costs      Electricity Credit
1      Base                2011      60.0      $7.27           $1.03                                 4.67
2      Base                2012      60.1      $7.24           $1.03                                 4.66
3      Base                2013      60.2      $7.21           $1.02                                 4.65
4      Base                2014      60.3      $7.18           $1.02                                 4.63
5      Base                2015      60.4      $7.15           $1.02                                4.62

Desired Output                              
FY                     2011      2012      2013      2014      2015
Yield                     60.0      60.1      60.2      60.3      60.4
TPI                     7.27      $7.24      $7.21      $7.18      $7.15
Operating Costs     $1.03      $1.03      $1.02      $1.02      $1.02
Electricity Credit      4.67      4.66      4.65      4.63      4.62

Answer : Creating a Pivot in Access

Attached your solution. Use qryAll to see the result.
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