Question : NULL in T-SQL

I need to check if a value (PXProjectID) is NULL for filtering in the where clause of the select statement of the cursor. Unfortunately I can't fetch a NULL value in the variable @PXProjectID what is a int value. I also tried to declare the varialble as sql_variant. How can I filter the cursor without need to set a variable for the PXProjectID Field?

Declare CurProj Cursor
            Select ProjectID, CustomerID, MiteProjectID, Name, Budget, Archived, CreatedOn, PXProjectID
            From dbo.AX_Project
            Where Archived = 0 and isNULL(PXProjectID,'null') = 'null' --Only Projects where are not archieved and where are no PXProjectID
            Open CurProj
            Fetch next from CurProj into @ProjectID, @CustomerID, @MiteProjectID,
            @Name, @Budget, @Archived, @CreatedOn, @PXProjectID

            While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0

Answer : NULL in T-SQL

Hi Opusretis,
try something like isNULL(PXProjectID,-999) =-999

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