Question : Just installed SBS 2008 and can't browse domain

I just finished installing SBS2008 and added all the users using the wizard. I went to a WS and added the computer with //connect and it worked and I can log in but I can't browse the domain.
I can get the the server by going to Run \\server name and then see the shares.
What am I missing?
I am wondering if it has something to do with the GW. it is point to the router and not the server.
Shouldn't the WS see the GW as the server ip?

Answer : Just installed SBS 2008 and can't browse domain

Gateway should be the router.

DNS should be the SBS server, and DHCP should be provided by the SBS server - is this how it is currently set-up?  There should not be any second DNS entry (e.g. the router) - the only time there should be a second one is if there is a second Windows DNS server available.
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