It shows that you have more that 1 CAS server... are the CAS servers in the same site?
If yes then are they in any kind of NLB?
You actually do not require to keep the names of all the CAS servers in the SAN certificate. It depends how you have configured the internal Autodiscover.
If you have modified the SCP (Service connection point) of the autodiscover service internally and set it to a particular CAS server, then OL will connect to only that server and you require only that servers name/fqdn in the SAN certificate.
By default, the SCP is set to the name of the First CAS server installed in the organisation.
In your scenario, it would be best recommended that you set the SCP to the NLB fqdn and modify all the internal URL's as well. That way you only require the name of the NLB/FQDN of NLB in the certificate rather than the CAS servers. This would only apply if you have the CAS in any kind of NLB.
Let us know how it goes.