Question : Quick and Dirty Access 2007 Sync

I do not work on databases professionally.  I'm more of a jailhouse database expert because my organization lacks the resources and will to this properly, so please be gentle and basic in your solutions.

My problem, briefly is this:  I have a database that will be used by up to 5 different people, scattered around the state.  I need a way to sync all the databases back together regularly.  This shouldn't need to be done more than every 2 weeks or so.  

All the solutions I've read to this involve replicating.  I'm using Access 2007 which, apparently, has done way with replication.  

I really want to try to avoid sharepoint as I'm really not paid to this stuff and that seems like a whole lot more to learn and I think would require a server, which I do not have.  All I need is a quick and dirty way to sync these databases.  

The database has 10 tables.  There will be some new records created in all versions of the database, and some existing records modified in versions of the database.  

Please, any help in figuring out a solution here would be welcome.  

Answer : Quick and Dirty Access 2007 Sync

It could -- something like a USB drive and such. But then you run into the problem that Larry & Moe's sees the USB as the F: drive but Curly's sees it as the G: drive.

Throwing some other thoughts at you:
If Larry has the master Laptop:

Is the DB backed up?
What happens if it is stolen? Damaged? Lost?
What if Shep can't make the face to face because of illness?
He has to track Larry down in the far corner of the state instead of hitting the central office.

You can pick up a $500 white box and a copy of Linux to act as the central server. But I have as yet to see Office 2K7 other than as a Alpha version demo, so my answers to all this is sort of flying by the seat of my pants.

I just glanced at your profile -- I see this is your first day at EE -- so let me say welcome. What you propose to do is very possible. You do need to realize that all the experts here are volunteers. We can help code individual solutions, but this is a whole project that gets into finding a way to move data (via network, USB, CD, infrared, ...) Get the Acc DB to recognize its native and foreign data. Export its information. Import the foreign information. And do it all in a reasonable time frame.

I know several experts here that have a day job but also do side consulting jobs for a reasonable price.
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