Question : Exchange 2007 SRV upgrade/migration to anthoer Exchange 2010 SRV gone wrong, what would you suggest guys

This is a mayday call to all Exchange Guru's.  I am afraid this might be a little more complex that you might initially imagine.  Only five users are on this domain the old server is now virtual and will eventually get decommissioned.  The upgrade history so far is as follows...

- Old DC and Exchange SRV2007 server was virtualised onto new Physical server.

- FSMO roles have been seized rather than transferred which I now regret.  AD and everything however is functioning as it should perfectly on the new server.  Unfortunately however Exchange readiness test fails based fundamentally on the following two points...

Coexistence between Exchange Server 2010 and Exchange Server versions older than Exchange Server 2007 SP2 in the same Active Directory Site is not supported.
Recommended Action:"

- My first initial thought this would be an easy one to fix, I downloaded Exchange 2007 SP2 and attempted to upgrade it on the old server.  Unfortunately upgrading the old servers Exchange 2007 upgrade fails also based on the following information taken from the ldif.err log/report below.

" Entry DN: CN=ms-Exch-ELC-Expiry-Action,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=glazebrookresidence,DC=homeip,DC=net
Add error on entry starting on line 1: Operations Error
The server side error is: 0x21a2 The FSMO role ownership could not be verified because its directory partition has not replicated successfully with at least one replication partner.
The extended server error is:
000021A2: SvcErr: DSID-030A0AE6, problem 5012 (DIR_ERROR), data 8610

An error has occurred in the program"

How would you suggest I best proceed guys?  Essentially I only have the mailboxes of five users to migrate.  I don't care how Its achieved, maybe if there was a way to fool the new server into thinking Exchange was never on the domain in the first instance it might help me get past this road block?  I honestly don't know, I really need your guidance guys.  

What would you do?

Answer : Exchange 2007 SRV upgrade/migration to anthoer Exchange 2010 SRV gone wrong, what would you suggest guys

I wouldn't trust anything that comes off a Torrent. You have no idea whether it has been tampered with or not. It was RTM ten days ago and no one outside Microsoft or the TAP has access to it - even the Exchange MVPs do not.

As you seized the FSMO roles, if you attempt to do anything with the old domain controller you will just cause more damage. Seize of roles should only be done if the original domain controller is dead and will never come back. Once it has been done the machine should never be booted back up again.

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