Question : Outlook 2003 problem setting up reccurring appointment

I have a user who is running Windows XP SP2 with Outlook 2003. They are attempting to setup a recurring all day appointment for every week day. When they try to save the appointment the following error message appears...

The reminder for an occurrence of "Check..." cannot be set to appear before the previous occurrence. Shorten the reminder time or lengthen the recurrence period.

We've found so far that if we remove the reminder all together we can save the appointment or if we do not set it for an all day event we can save it but this is not what the user would like to do. They want an all day event with a reminder.

I've tried running detect and repair but that has not helped.

Has anyone run into this before and if so, do you have any suggestions?



Answer : Outlook 2003 problem setting up reccurring appointment

What is the reminder time frame?
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