Question : Terminal Services CAL issue

I run a terminal services machine here at the office for remote users.    The OS is Server 2003.

There is one particular remote machine that cannot connect in because it says that the machine does not have a license for terminal services.   I thought that perhaps I had run out of CALs or something, but I have been able to add additional brand new machines and connect in today with no issue.

But the problematic computer still will not connect in.  I don't know where to start trying to fix this issue, and it's important that they are able to get online again this afternoon.

Answer : Terminal Services CAL issue

You should check the licensing server for available licenses; do you know what machine is running your TS licensing server? It should preferably be on your AD domain controller. This could be a communication problem with the licesing server, or you may be out out licenses. The new PCs could still be in the grace period.

If you need a quick fix, you could change the TS licensing mode from "Per Device", to "Per User" mode. This turns off licensing enforcement, so it would then be up to you to avoid exceeding your licenses:
Open Terminal Services Configuration from Administrative Tools folder
Click on Server Settings on the left side
Double-Click Licensing on the right side to change the mode

Read about Licensing Modes here for an explaination of why this works:
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