I have a table which shows categoryID and its parentID like this: Year Month catID catName parentID 2007 5 1001 PDA & Handhelds 1000 2007 5 1002 PDAs 1001 2007 5 1003 notebooks 1000 2007 5 1004 desktops 1000 2007 5 1000 computers 0
I need to create a hierarchy table based on info from the above table. I don't want to use self-join many times as I don't know how many layers there would be. I know an example from the book 'guru's guide to T-SQL' which can get close to what i want to get. The only difference is that I want to put different hierarchy in different column instead of indenting it. The code to do the hierarchy is somewhat like this:
INSERT staff VALUES (1,'GROUCHO',1) INSERT staff VALUES (2,'CHICO',1) INSERT staff VALUES (3,'HARPO',2) INSERT staff VALUES (4,'ZEPPO',2) INSERT staff VALUES (5,'MOE',1) INSERT staff VALUES (6,'LARRY',5) INSERT staff VALUES (7,'CURLY',5) INSERT staff VALUES (8,'SHEMP',5) INSERT staff VALUES (9,'JOE',8) INSERT staff VALUES (10,'CURLY JOE',9)
SELECT seq=IDENTITY(int), chartdepth=CASE WHEN o2.employee=o2.supervisor THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, employee=o2.employee, supervisor=o1.employee INTO #org_chart FROM staff o1 INNER JOIN staff o2 ON (o1.employee=o2.supervisor) WHILE (@@rowcount > 0) BEGIN INSERT #org_chart (chartdepth, employee, supervisor) SELECT DISTINCT o1.chartdepth+1, o2.employee, o1.supervisor FROM #org_chart o1 INNER JOIN #org_chart o2 ON (o1.employee=o2.supervisor) WHERE o1.chartdepth=(SELECT MAX(chartdepth) FROM #org_chart) AND o1.employee<>o1.supervisor END SELECT OrgChart=REPLICATE(CHAR(9),chartdepth)+s.employee_name FROM (SELECT employee, seq=MIN(seq), chartdepth=MAX(chartdepth) FROM #org_chart GROUP BY employee) o INNER JOIN staff s ON (o.employee=s.employee) ORDER BY o.seq
If you run the above you would understand what I'm trying to get but i want the result look like this: level1 level2 level3 level4 level5 GROUCHO CHICO HARPO GROUCHO CHICO ZEPPO GROUCHO MOE LARRY GROUCHO MOE CURLY GROUCHO MOE SHEMP JOE CURLY JOE
Thanks a lot for the help!