Question : vb.net 2.0 winforms - how to detect unsaved data in databound fields?
I have a form in a winforms app.
It's a data entry form with a bunch of fields (no gridview)
Is there a way to either autosave, or detect if data has changed on the form, so that when the user closes the form, they can get an alert asking them to save the data if they haven't already done so?
- Jack
Answer : vb.net 2.0 winforms - how to detect unsaved data in databound fields?
I did a short tutorial on using the new stuff for a Combobox Grid Filter for a one to many relationship. http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/ComboboxGridFilter.asp
There is one other one on doing a 1 to many report with the new Report Viewer.
I may do a larger tutorial for 2005, although many of the principles are the same as for 2003, just with the adapters being included in the dataset rather than on the form.