Question : Slider Control 6 in Access 2003 and Continous Froms

I would like to use the slider control in a continuous form.
As normal the slider values are the same for each record in the continous form but I would like them to be the value of another field in the record. ( each record has a different value and the slider shows it)
I wrote a litle script to go through the records and change the Slide Control to the value in each, however as the script moves down the records the next one changes the previous one and so the result is record 1 has record 2's value, record 3 has record 4's and so on.
Any suggestions?

Answer : Slider Control 6 in Access 2003 and Continous Froms

I tried playing with the slider control on a continuous form and could not get it to show a different value for each record.  It's the old unbound control on continuous form problem.

You could create a crude bar graph by placing several text boxes side by side and change their backcolor via conditional formatting.
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