Question : iPhone 3G and SBS 2003/Exchange Activesync

I have been fighting with a problem that seems to troubled others, but none of the solutions seem to have helped my case.

I have a SBS 2003 server where all the setup for email is done using ICW and all works fine. It has latest SPs, etc.

I am able to use and, also via Safari from the iPhone 3GS v3.0 that I want to setup for ActiveSync.  When I connect with Mail on iPhone, it doesn't say much, except Cannot Get Mail  The connection to the server failed.

So I look at the SBS log file W3SVC1 - all I see is:
[Date Time] W3SVC1 OPTIONS /oma/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync - 443 Domain\Username 93.xx.xx.xx Apple-iPhone/704.11 200 0 0

So I tried to use the iPhone Configuration utility, and when I install the configuration (options for Exchange and Certificate), it fails with following error on iPhone:  
An error occurred while contacting server
Error Domain=DAErrorDomain Code=0 Operation could not be completed. (DAErrorFomain error 0.)

I then tried to install iPhone profile without Domain and Username field in Exchange option, and it seems to have installed fine, but still get error Cannot Get Mail  The connection to the server failed. On the iPhone, and same entry in W3SVC1.

I have checked all the IIS setting for Exchange, exchange-oma, etc (IP restrictions, SSL, anonymous, etc) and they seem to be correct. I have also tried MS kbid=817379 even tho that doesnt seem to relate to SBS 2003 where ICW is the way to go.

I also tried and ended up with following:
Testing Exchange ActiveSync
 Exchange ActiveSync test Failed
 Test Steps
 Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS.
 Host successfully resolved
 Additional Details: IP(s) returned: 93.xx.xx.xx
Testing TCP Port 443 on host to ensure it is listening and open.
 The port was opened successfully.
Testing SSL Certificate for validity.
 The certificate passed all validation requirements.
 Test Steps
 Validating certificate name
 Successfully validated the certificate name
 Additional Details: Found hostname in Certificate Subject Common name
Validating certificate trust for Windows Mobile Devices
 The test passed with some warnings encountered. Please expand additional details.
 Additional Details: Certificate is only trusted on Windows Mobile 6.0 and later. Windows Mobile 5.0 and 5.0 + MSFP devices will not be able to sync. Root = OU=Go Daddy Class 2 Certification Authority, O="The Go Daddy Group, Inc.", C=US
Testing certificate date to ensure validity
 Date Validation passed. The certificate is not expired.
 Additional Details: Certificate is valid: NotBefore = 1/20/2007 10:23:42 AM, NotAfter = 1/20/2015 10:23:42 AM"
Testing Http Authentication Methods for URL
Http Authentication Methods are correct
 Additional Details: Found all expected authentication methods and no disallowed methods. Methods Found: Basic
Attempting an ActiveSync session with server
 Errors were encountered while testing the ActiveSync session
 Test Steps
 Attempting to send OPTIONS command to server
 Testing the OPTIONS command failed. See Additional Details for more info
 Additional Details: A Web Exception occurred because an HTTP 401 - Unauthorized response was received from IIS6

So now I am trying to figure what to do with the problem with the OPTIONS verb, if this is the cause of the problem.

Any help appreciated.

Answer : iPhone 3G and SBS 2003/Exchange Activesync

This still boils down the the authentication methods set on the IIS virtual directories.  Can you please double-check my FAQ and make sure that all are set correctly.

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