Question : Delegating Exchange 2007 permissions

Is there a way to give a user permissions to Contacts and/or Drafts of a mailbox without that user having access to the Inbox or sent items?  Basically, I want to give a Helpdesk user access to all users' contacts and drafts, but I don't want them to be able to read their email.
I want to do this for all mailboxes.  I'm sure I can use the delegate tab in Outlook, or permissions tab in Outlook, but I don't want to do it individually for each mailbox.  Thanks.

Answer : Delegating Exchange 2007 permissions

Look at PFDavadmin. Don't be mistaken when it says "PF" it only works with Public folder - the latest version allows administrator to access individual mailboxes, which means you are able to grant permissions in one go.
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