Question : How do i backup/restore a sharepoint services web on a different machine?

I need some help regarding restoring installation of windows sharepoint services 2.0 from one machine to another. i have taken the backup using the stsadm.exe tool. current server machine name is FSERVER, so the url is http://fserver/ and the wss's db is on the same machine as well for which the config db is called SHAREPOINT and content db is called sts_fserver_1. Backup command works fine using the stsadm.exe and the backup is like almost 467 MB. Now when it comes to restoring i have tried almost everything i have found on different places.
What i have done for restoration is this that i use the same stsadm.exe tool for restoration. i have created another machine where new installation of WSS 2.0 has been done. i into that machine and i use the stsadm.exe tool for restoration. now this new machine's name is SHAREPOINT so the new url would be http://sharepoint/. here on this machine this is a fresh installation for WSS 2.0 and no sites have been created ever. and when i try to restore the site using the stsadm.exe tool i get the following error : "Required config db cannot be found."

so i tried to copy the config db to the new machine's db. and when i use the stsadm.exe tool again for restoration i get the error : "Required virtual server could not be found."

Now i am confused, what should i do ?

for now i am using frontpage 2003 to backup sites and subsites using it and will restore on the new server then...lets see.....but can anyone of you help for how to restore wss 2.0 sites using stsad.exe tool. I will be very thankful.

Answer : How do i backup/restore a sharepoint services web on a different machine?

Here are some links to check out.

- MontyV
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