Question : Just mail-enabled a public folder and getting NDR 5.1.6 when trying to send mail to it

I have mail-enabled a public folder in Exchange 2003, but when I try to send an email to it, I get an NDR error 5.1.6:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

      Subject:      test 3
      Sent:      15-Jan-10 1:12 p

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

      Letters on 15-Jan-10 1:12 p
            The message was undeliverable because the recipient specified has changed address permanently and forwarding was not applicable

I read somewhere about the homeMDB and homeMTA attributes in ADSI Edit under CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects, but both of those are .  Should there be something there?  If so, what needs to go into those attributes?  Am I just barking up the wrong tree with these?

Is there anything else I should investigate for this?


Answer : Just mail-enabled a public folder and getting NDR 5.1.6 when trying to send mail to it

I did some digging, and it looks like your error is caused by the missing HomeMDB attribute.

Check the Public Folder Store object (CN=Configuration/CN=Services/CN=Microsoft Exchange/CN=YourOrg/CN=Administrative Groups/CN=YourAdminGrp/CN=Servers/CN=YourServer/CN=InformationStore/CN=YourStorageGroup/CN=Public Folder Database)

Make sure the these attributes are populated: textEncodedORAddress, mail, and proxyAddresses

If that all checks out, go ahead and manually add the HomeMDB attribute and see if it works.

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