Question : How to automate cascading option boxes on a web page using Access 2000 VBA

We are using the following vba code to access a web page:
' Create an object of type InternetExplorer
    Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
     objIE.navigate strUrl
'Here are the two boxes we are trying to automate:
First option box is :
 objIE.Document.Forms(0).all("ctl00_PageContentPlaceHolder_vSubClass").Value = 2
'In this case Value = 2 puts "Import Cars" in the BuySell box
'No problem getting the value into the first box...but can't seem to get the first box to post back

'The second box which is hidden until the web page post back is done from the first box
Second option box is:
objIE.Document.Forms(0).all("ctl00_PageContentPlaceHolder_vClass").Value = "2001 Import Cars"

Se have a jpg image of the boxes on the web page
We have attached the full source code of the page.

How can we automate the a post back on the first box, then fill in the second box

Answer : How to automate cascading option boxes on a web page using Access 2000 VBA

Hi Jaffer, just a quick note to let you know that we tried clicking on both of the boxes and made the appropriate selections manually...then we viewed the source code and it didn't may any difference to what we had previously published.

Thanks for the idea anyway....
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