Question : access 2003 report with calculated field.

Hi all!
have an access db with a tblprojectexpense and a report of this data named ReportProjExpense.  The table has the following fields: ID, ProjectNumber, Project Name,  Event, singular expense,  Cost. Basically, this table stores event costs and the overarching project.  A single project may have several events and an event may have several singular expenses  that occur.  Now for the report and the problem.  I need the report to display the total cost, not running sum, of all the single expense for an events as well as another text box displaying hte total cost of all events in a project..  I have it set up as the following:
Level1: ProjectCode Header
            - the project code here (Would like to display total cost for all associated events in this section)
Level2:Event Header
            - list the event name    ( I would like to display the total cost of all the singular exp. for this event  in this section as well.)
Level3:Singular expenses                   Cost

Everything falls into place correctly when i run the report i just cant get the values to add correctly

Thanks for you help.  

Answer : access 2003 report with calculated field.

This one is hard to visualize.  Often when I want a total or grand total on a report I'll add a field in the report detail and set it to be running sum.  Make sure that you name the field something like txtTotal.  Then in the report footer, add another control named something like txtGrandTotal and set the datasource to txtTotal.  This will display the final value across the detail.  Next hide the control in the body and you get a nice total at the bottom.

Did that help?

Neil Squires
Random Solutions  
programming4us programming4us