Question : requesting CSR certificate for Exchange 2007

I am trying to setup a SBS 2008 server with Exchange 2007. When the users try to get to they receive a certificate error. So I have purchased a SSL UCC certificate from Godaddy and am about to request the certificate but want to make sure I include the correct data.
I have made the common name '' and think I should include and Is that it or is there something else I should include as well? This Exchange server is also the DC if that makes a difference.

Answer : requesting CSR certificate for Exchange 2007

Make sure you use the wizard in the SBS console.

You should have: (your OWA URL)
servername.domainname.local (internal fully qualified domainname of the server)

make sure the external DNS entries exist before you make the request otherwise it will fail and you will have to make some manual validation.
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