Question : how to implement insert,delete,update and selete operations using MVVM design pattern in WPF application

i  need to implement insert,delete,update and select operations using MVVM design pattern in wpf application.

i need a good blog how to implement MVVM design pattern in WPF application with examples

Answer : how to implement insert,delete,update and selete operations using MVVM design pattern in WPF application


if it's blogs you want, here is a detailed one.
But the MVVM is really an update on Martin Fowlers PresetationModel, updated to include microsofts very clever databinding. I still go back to Martin Folwers Blogs if i need reminding of how to go about code seperation or if a particular problem could be solved with another design pattern and increase testability.

A little off topic is Why you want to Implement a MVVM design pattern? I been to a few talks about MVVM and no one mentioned why. Which i found very strange.

Obviously behaviour or test driven design would be the goal of implementing these design patterns. So i personnaly found the Composite WPF and Silverlight framework the best solution for a developing and learning WPF while developing in the TDD enviroment using various deign patterns namely the presentationModel or MVVM but as well as some of Martin Fowlers other Design Patterns Such as the Supervising Controller

Lots of good stuff to download there.


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