Question : Terminal Server Licensing

Hi all,

Customer has a SBS 2003 Premium Server. TS is limited to 2 connections for the Administrator.

There is a Windows 2000 Server as "BDC" and it is use mainly for TS into the network and to run applications on the W2000 Server. Most of the remote users are still on XP but at least 2 are in Vista and W7.

The most important application that is used today on the TS Server, will no longer be supported as its new version uses .net 3.5 and "supposedly" 3.5 is not supported in W2000 Server.

So, if the W2000 Server will no longer be the TS Server, the SBS 2003 must assume that role. The question is then: What do I need in terms of licenses to be able to allow regular users from XP, Vista and W7 machines to connect via TS to SBS 2003 besides the 2 ADMIN connections?


Answer : Terminal Server Licensing

You *have* to get an additional server running Server 2003 (or later), no way around it.
SBS (for good reason) does NOT support Terminal Services in Application Mode, full stop.
If the new TS is W2k3, you can install the Terminal Server License on your SBS; if it's a W2k8, you'll have to install i ton the TS itself.
In addition, you will need TS CALs. Unlike Windows 2000, *all* devices/users accessing a W2k3 terminal server require a TS CAL.
The Ultimate Guide to Windows 2003 Terminal Server Licensing
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