Question : Magic Table

we have two magic tables

Table A having delete purpose
Table B having inserting purpose

But my proublem is update both table. Know i am using Update Trigger.

Can u any body explain me Architure of How update Trigger will work

Answer : Magic Table

Ok what i understand from your question is created two tables one is DELETED and other is INSERTED. when ever your table is updated the OLD record (which will be deleted) should be placed i the DELETED table. and the new record (which is inserted) should be entered into INSERTED table.
    If this what you asking. it should be similar to the one below

ON HistoryTab
FOR update AS
    IF (COLUMNS_UPDATED() & 6) > 0
    INSERT INTO DeletedTable
        SELECT 'OLD', del.Date, del.[Name], del.Address FROM deleted del
    -- Audit NEW record.
    INSERT INTO InsertedTable
        SELECT    'NEW', ins.Date, ins.[Name], ins.Address FROM inserted ins

when ever you update a column in you table. the trigger will execute two insert statements as above. the deleted table will get the previous value of the updated column and the insertedtable will get teh new value of teh updated column. i think this what you meant by architecture
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