Question : Windows XP SP2 Automatic Updates Service Will Not Start

Hey Xperts,
  I am currently testing XP SP2 for our domain, however on the two machines i have installed it on , I cannon get the Automatic Updates or the BITS service to start, I need these to run for WSUS, following are the errors i get when trying to start them:

Automatic Updates System Event Log Errors:
The Automatic Updates service terminated with the following error:
The class is configured to run as a security id different from the caller

Automatic Updates Errors when manually starting the service:
Could not start the Automatic Updates service on Local Computer.

Error 0x80004015: The class is configured to run as a security id different from the caller.

I can get AU to start if i run the following at a command prompt, however when you reboot the pc you start getting the pervious errors and have to run this again.

BITS System Event log errors:
The Background Intelligent Transfer Service service terminated with service-specific error 2147500053 (0x80004015).

BITS Errors when manually starting the service:
Windows could not start the Backgound Intelligent Transfer Service on Local Computer. for more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code -2147467243.

I will greatly appreciate any help given, also i am giving the MAX points because I need this fixed ASAP and it has been giving me this trouble for several weeks.

Thanks, and good luck

Answer : Windows XP SP2 Automatic Updates Service Will Not Start

Apparently the cleanup moderator didn't notice that you provided your own solution. PAQing the question with a refund of 500 points.  However, also, jkjackson, you should have come back with your solution before the 22 or more days without any comments had elapsed...

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