Question : How to Pass (text) criteria to a query using a Multi List Box

Hello Experts,

 Using Access 2K I am trying to use a multi list box in a Form to select one or many customers and pass the selection as criteria to a query.

 I am hip to the fact that this has to be done in code since the selection has to be concatenated in order for Access to know what to do with it which leads to my question....How do I do this?

Current DB Info:

 As is, the form (frmNetBookings) has two Date inputs which pass criteria to a query. Based on that date range the listbox (lbCustomerList) identifies the possible customers from said query. After this step, what I had in mind was to Select one or many customers from the listbox and then click a "Export" button that will export the query (qryNetBookings) to an excel file. All of this works except for the Multiple criteria from the listbox.

The current select staement in the listbox RowSource property is, SELECT [qry_NetBookings1].[Customer_Name] FROM qry_NetBookings1 GROUP BY [qry_NetBookings1].[Customer_Name] ORDER BY [qry_NetBookings1].[Customer_Name];  



Answer : How to Pass (text) criteria to a query using a Multi List Box

Modify the code below to use your own fieldname and control name.

Dim varitem, strwhere
strwhere = " Where customerfieldname IN ("
For Each varItem In me.listboxname.ItemsSelected
            If Not IsNull(varItem) Then
                'Build up the filter from the bound column (hidden).
                strWhere = strWhere & "'" & me.listboxname.ItemData(varItem)  & "',"
             End If
strwhere = left(strwhere,len(strwhere)-1)  & ")" ' remove final comma and add closing )

Your export query sql should now be set as :
strsql = " select * from qry_NetBookings1] " & strwhere
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