Question : Run-Time Error 3155 ODBC-Time Out on a linked table.

I have a client that recieves this error at random times in different spots of the frontend.  

Run-Time Error 3155 ODBC-Time Out on a linked table.

Their running Access 2002/Windows XP as the front end and MS SQL 8.0/Windows 2000 SBS as the Database.

I am looking for a list of possible causes to fix this problem.  

Couple things to consider.

First, 2 days before this started happening, I moved the users off of a workgroup enviroment and on to a Domain.  I am pretty sure Active Directory and DNS are working properly.

Second, I setup a maintaince plan in SQL to re index and shrink the database once a week, this also was performed 2 days before the problems started.  The plan ran the night before the problems occured.

Third, multiple users get the errror at the same time, or just one user could get the error, but sometimes everyones frontend hesitates for minute, then they will all get the error.  

Forth, When they get the error, you can browse the server and network without any problems.

Right now I am struggeling to find out of the error is being caused by the SQL server or is it caused by Access, the front end?  I didn't write the database nor do I know how to write a database so I am at a loss as a place to go.

Thanks for any help and some hint to this problem.


Answer : Run-Time Error 3155 ODBC-Time Out on a linked table.

(NOLOCK) will apply to passthru only.  Keep in mind that you can still get errors with (NOLOCK) as well--the biggest error I have seen is "Operation has been aborted--Data has moved".

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