Question : Report show's too much data

I have a db used to track my companies construction equipment.  In this db I also track when each piece of equipment is serviced or repaired.  I want to be able to run a report that shows the following:

Asset #
Project it's on
Service Date
Invoice Number
Labor Hours
Service Description
All parts used

I would like it sorted by assets then projects.  Then a single line showing the date, invoice number, labor hours and description.  Then, under that, all parts that were used.  I would like this format for each time it's serviced.  However, currently when I used the report wizard, the best I can do is get it sorted by asset then project but then I have a line for each part that is used.  I'm not sure how to change the grouping or whatever it is to get it to look like I want.  Below is a screen shot of my tables.  Can someone help me with this or at the very least point me to an online reference that'll help.  Thanks in advance.

Answer : Report show's too much data

You need to base your report on a query that selects only the data you want.  After you have the query selecting your data, open your report in Design view, and use the Sorting and Grouping button to add additional grouping levels.  Let us know if you need more (or more detailed) directions.  :)

Santa Ana
Random Solutions  
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