Question : I can't get the Ajax script manager to be recognized by visual studio 2005??

Greetings experts!
I have been using Visual Studio 2005, and I have installed the ajax 1.0 on the computer, and I have made a refrence for AjaxControlToolkit.dll in my project solution, and I can see it listed under the Bin folder. I have also made sure when I went to create  this web site project to choose from the templates "Ajax enabled website". with all this done, when I try to add Ajax script manager on my aspx page, visual studio doesn't recognize it, and I get in yellow tooltip "Element script manager is not a known element. This can occur if there is a compilation error in the web site".??

I don't know what to do really, it doesn' t make sense to me. I hope someone could help.
thanks in advance.


Answer : I can't get the Ajax script manager to be recognized by visual studio 2005??

The AJAX-enabled template adds this to the web.config file:

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