Question : RDP Problem on Windows 2008 Web Edition.

I have installed a GUI based version of Windows 2008 Web Server X64.

A default install was used, selecting only a single role of Web Server (IIS). Remote Desktop has been enabled in the Server Manager. The Windows FireWall has been turned off for the Domain, Public and Private Profiles.

Using the Administrator Account, when I try to establish a remote desktop session with the server the following message is thrown: -

Remote Desktop cannot connect to the remote computer because the authentication certificate received from the remote computer is expired or invalid. In some cases, this error might also be caused by a large time discrepancy between the client and server computers

On the client end Im running Windows Vista Ultimate x64 and using Remote Desktop Connection version 6.0.6001. I have checked the clocks on both the client and the server and they are in currently in step.

One point that may be relevant, when trying to patch the server this morning every time the server rebooted the system date was reset back to February 15th this year and the time was changed.

Can anyone please advise?


Answer : RDP Problem on Windows 2008 Web Edition.

OriNetworks & Rajith_Enchiparambil

Many thanks for your assistance, I believe I have now managed to solve the problem myself.

The BIOS clock is being used when the RDP session is being negotiated.

Whilst the Client and Server clocks were always in step the Server and Bios clocks were not. The moment that the Server and BIOS clocks are synchronised the problem disappears.

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