Question : The page cannot be displayed - 10060 - Connection timeout

We had a cisco 877 DSL router installed at our office yesterday to finally enable external access to a sharepoint server. The technician told us the ports 80 and 443 have been opened and point to our external card on our ISA server. We have a fixed IP address. here- what we've done
1.Configured a rule and listner for the sharepoint site and ISA server
2. Set our domain points to the fixed IP address we've been given by our ISP (this is the address we access the router with internally)

When trying to access the site externally we now get:-
The page cannot be displayed - 10060 - Connection timeout

I'm confused as to whether this is an ISA, Cisco Router or IP/DNS problem. We can telnet into the router with our fixed IP address remotely without a problem.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Answer : The page cannot be displayed - 10060 - Connection timeout

The error usually indicate a network problem.

To rule out the DNS problem, try to ping from another location to the public host name of the ISA server. If the address it trying to ping is what you expected, then you DNS is working properly. It is typical for DNS update can take 4 hrs or more. If it doesn't work initially, wait 4 hrs and try again. There are other techniques to find this out sooner, but it is more complicated.

Once you determine it is not DNS problem, then you need to look at network issue. Does your ISA server have two network cards? You indicate "external card", so I assume you have more than one card. What is the IP address of this external card? To protect your privacy, you only need to let me know the first two number of the IP address, e.g. something like 192.168.x.x.

Since you are able to telnet to your 877 router, please post the output of:

show run | i nat

Again, to protect your privacy, only show the first two number of each IP address.
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