Question : Fill a Text box with a selection

I have a table which store letters that represent various industry types.

I have a list of associated industry types.

On a report I want a text box beside a letter to show the related Industry Type.

eg  A    Agriculture
    B    Mining     etc

Not all categories will be on the report.  The Report comes from a query which groups by industry letter and count how many in each category.

The Field in the Table is called [Industry Letter]

I tried using an iif statment but it was too complex for access.

I have had a try at the following Select Case in a module but it returns nothing in the text box when I call the fuction


Function Name(IndustryName)
    Select Case IndustryName
        Case "A"
            IndustryName = "Agriculture"
        Case "B"
            IndustryName = "Mining"
        Case "C"
            IndustryName = "Manufacturing"
        Case "D"
            IndustryName = "Electricity, Gas & Water Supply"
        Case "E"
            IndustryName = "Construction"
        Case "F"
            IndustryName = "Wholesale Trade"
        Case "G"
            IndustryName = "Retail Trade"
        Case "H"
            IndustryName = "Accommodation, Cafes & Restaurants"
        Case "I"
            IndustryName = "Transport & Storage"
        Case "J"
            IndustryName = "Communication Services"
        Case "K"
            IndustryName = "Finance & Insurance"
        Case "L"
            IndustryName = "Property & Business Services"
        Case "M"
            IndustryName = "Government Administration & Defence"
        Case "N"
            IndustryName = "Education"
        Case "O"
            IndustryName = "Health & Community Services"
        Case "P"
            IndustryName = "Cultural & Recreational Services"
        Case "Q"
            IndustryName = "Personal & Other Services"
    End Select
End Function

Am I on the right track.


Answer : Fill a Text box with a selection


I'm glad we got on the same wavelength there.  ;-)  I would have gotten back to you myself for firther clarification but I was at a Cub Scout pack meeting.  ;-)

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