Question : Trying to open Access files from version 2.0 from Access 2007. Getting a series of error messages.

We just installed Microsoft Access 2007 on several stations. These users need to get project info from old databases that were created in Access 2.0. However, when i open the files i get several error messages.
Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysObjects'
Record(s) cannot be read; no read permission on 'MSysACEs'

Answer : Trying to open Access files from version 2.0 from Access 2007. Getting a series of error messages.

This sounds like the Access 2.0 databases were secured with Access Security.
Check in Access 2.0 to see if there are specific MDW files for them. A clue might be if they ran a specific shortcut to load the database or from the Access 2 folder the MS Access Workgroup admin program.
Cheers, Andrew
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