Question : Exch 07 users cannot email Exch 03 users

I have installed Exch 07 which is co-existing with Exch 03.

My test users who have been moved to Exch 07 can send and receive emails but users in Exch 03 cannot sent to users in Exch 07 and vice versa...

Is this normal behavior ? My test users can send and receive email from everyone except from the Exch 03 users.

Any help or solutions would be greatly appreciated. I plan on moving all users to exch07 next week but I would like to be able to have some people test the new server for a few days before moving everyone over. My "beta tester" will need to be able to email people on Exch 03, they cannot do their jobs otherwise.

Any ideas ?


Answer : Exch 07 users cannot email Exch 03 users

The external DNS in the SMTP server will be the problem. It stops Exchange from finding your other server. You have no choice but to remove them and then diagnose why email is failing to flow without them in place. External DNS in forwarders of the DNS server applet on the domain controllers is the way that I have always done it and never had a problem.

Send Connectors created by EMC appear as SMTP Connectors in ESM. You should be working on one or the other. What I tend to suggest is that you do most work in ESM on the Exchange 2003 server, including using and creating SMTP Connectors. Exchange 2007 will use those as well, as it is backwards compatible.

Any reason why the default SMTP virtual server is not being used? Using non default settings can cause problems with Exchange - it is built to work in a certain way.

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