Question : Does a static library needs "export"?

Hi, all,

I built a static libary and is using it in my application. When I built the static library, what I did was just as MS books decribed. But I got several "unresolved external symbol" errors. I used VC's DUMPBIN to chech what it contains. The output of running DUMPBIN.EXE is:

   File type: LIBRARY
         F97  .data
         740  .debud$F
         2A4  .drectve
         7B8  .rdata
        5960  .text
         1FF  .text$x
         2C0  .xdata$x
   There is no anything like
          ordinal   name

                _... ...
   In it.

   I am wordering whether the library is right or not? Should I use  "__declspec" for all functions in creation of the static library? or should I create a DLL with the static library so that to solve the link problems?



Answer : Does a static library needs "export"?

Export is not needed. Make sure the library is included in the Link option and they use the same linkage (C linkage or C++ linkage).

Thank you.
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