Question : Edit filename variable in Batch script

I am reencoding a massive bunch of AVI's to MP4 using Handbrake CLI:

*** script start

for %%i in (*.avi) do (

"D:\reencode\handbrake\HandBrakeCLI.exe" -i "%%i" -t 1 -c 1 -o "%%~ni.mp4" -f mp4 -X 480 -e x264 -q 0.59 -a 1 -E faac -B 128 -R 48 -6 dpl2 -D 1 -x level=30:cabac=0:ref=2:mixed-refs=1:analyse=all:me=umh:no-fast-pskip=1 -v

move "%%i" "D:\reencode\AVI\finished"

*** script end

the "move" command will execute as:
      move video001.avi "D:\reencode\finished"

How can I add a second "move" command so "%%i" is modified from "video001.avi" to "video001.mp4", so the reencoded file is also moved?

Answer : Edit filename variable in Batch script

move  "%%~ni.mp4"  "D:\reencode\AVI\finished"
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