Question : how to fix an image in certain place of the Word document

Hello Experts,

I have a situation where I am doing a search of a particular word and replace with other from the Word document.(.doc or .rtf)

I am little concerned about the positioning of the images in this file. The document in total has around 100 pages, certain pages has got few images in the left panel of the page and the text floating.

Currently the positions of the text and the images are looking good, however if I replace the word with a long sentence then the page size in total will increase as the text grows and I doubt the images or the text may fall apart.

Please can someone advise if there is anyway I can fix the image in certain position of the page and regardless of the text size the image stays the same and text floats adjusting itself .

I hope someone may understand what I am trying to say you here?

Please see attached a screen grab of one of the page from the document

Please advise


Answer : how to fix an image in certain place of the Word document

Hi newbie27,

Try the following:

1. Right-click on the offending picture
2. Select "Format Picture"
3. Click on the "Layout" TAB
4. Select the "Square" Layout option
5. Click OK

Check to see if your text wraps around the image such that it doesn't distort the layout of the rest of the document.
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