Question : adding images to a ole class TreeCtrl in msaccess 2003

have a tree control in ms access 2003 and am trying to hook up  pictures to the nodes on the system. cannot seem to fine the way to do it i can bring up the treectl properties and have the image list and the picture tab in front of me but not sure of the syntax to hook up picture to the node its self on load.
the object is called xtree
can access the nodes ok just need the step through to get one attached then i am off. see image below
thanks for your help in advance

Answer : adding images to a ole class TreeCtrl in msaccess 2003

You must use an ImageList control, which is a separate control from the Treeview. You would add images to that control, then add the entire ImageList control to the Treeview. How you setup and use the INdex and Key properties of the ImageList control, in conjunction with the Tab nodes and how you build them, determines which image shows up on a specific Node.

It's been a while since I've worked with the Microsoft treeview control. I long ago stopped using it, and use a 3rd party control (from Mabry, who unfortuantely is no longer in business).
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